The institution of Marriage and the Family are very important units of God's creation and His Salvation Plan. The Family Fellowship Ministry in Jalan Imbi Chapel endeavours by God's grace and the leading of the Holy Spirit to organise talks, workshops and activities to build up the family based on the Word of God such that:

1. The couple will honour God and be blessed as well as to be a blessing to the family and their contacts.
2. The couple will learn to have a deeper understanding, love and appreciation for each other so as to manage the many issues arising from marriage.
3. The couple will be encouraged to persevere and grow in the marriage despite constant challenges from both within and without.

For more information please feel free to contact Kenny Lim (012-2235727) , Wong Tuck Seng (012-3875807) or Clement Lee (019-2886495) .

20 Jan#1-One Flesh or Two Individuals ?*6:30pm-10:00pm**Home of Bro. Cheah Wing Choong
24 FebBreak for Chinese New Year Gathering*TBATBA
3 Mar#2-Overcoming Selfishness in the Marriage Relationship* 6:30pm-10:00pm**TBA
7 Apr#3-Improving Communication in Marriage* 6:30pm-10:00pm**TBA
5 May#4-Three Principles of Getting Along* 6:30pm-10:00pm**TBA
15-18 JuneBreak for Family Camp TBATower Regency Hotel & Apartments
7 July#5-Reducing Arguments and Misunderstandings* 6:30pm-10:00pm**TBA
4 Aug#6-Resolving Problems and Frustrations* 6:30pm-10:00pm**TBA
17 SepBreak for JIC Family Day TBATBA
6 Oct#7-Understanding Areas of Sexual Differences*6:30pm-10:00pm**TBA
3 Nov#8-Understanding the Husband's Biblical Role*6:30pm-10:00pm**TBA
*All talks and workshops conducted by Mr. Cheah Wing Choong (Elder)
**6:30pm to 8:00pm- Fellowship Dinner | 8:00pm to 10:00pm- Talk/Workshop
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