On the 22nd of October the JICyouth had an outreach event called "LYFE?". The above is a behind the scenes look into the preparations.

-posted by: admin on: 22-10-2016


Some of the youths came together to figure out what the LGBT movement is all about and what new genders and sexual orientations have been added to this movement in the last 10 years. On the 9th of October we will be having Mr. Michael Lim to help give a biblical perspective on how the bible views the LGBT issues.

-posted by: admin on: 1-10-2016

MAD Camp 2016

The JICyouth will be having their MAD Camp from the 12-15 of December. This year they will be having it at Benum Hill Resort!! Here is a short teaser on how the site looks like..

-posted by: admin on: 23-09-2016

A space here for a welcome message apsdfaskldfa;skf asdflkasdf;lkas a;lskdf;alksfl;aksdf;lkasdfl;kasdf
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