Ministry : Youth Fellowship
Date : 27 August 2017
TIme : 1:15pm-2:15pm
Title : Sports Sunday

Sports Sunday has come and gone. We asked our brother Lian Yun-Perng from the JICyouth Sports Unit for a breakdown of what happened:

"Our monthly sports event went well despite the low turn out. We tried to introduce a new game called scrum but not have the numbers to carry on so we could only play tug of war and captain ball.
I felt that the youths really enjoyed themselves especially with the flour during tug of war.
The girls really showed the guys that they weren't the weaker gender and they managed to win most of the tug of war matches.
It was good to see some of the young adults involving themselves in the captain ball game as well. Fortunately, no one was injured during that day; maybe only sore palms.
I personally hope that the youths enjoyed themselves and that they would continue to grow spiritually and physically through YF."

Lian Yun-Perng

Keep the JIC youth ministry in prayer as it is the next generation of the church here in Jalan Imbi. Here are a few specific prayer items to pray for the youths:
1. That the Lord will open up their hearts to study His word
2. That the youths will to learn and grow to love the Lord and to be worshipers of Him.

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